Oli is from London, and grew up living all round the world. Oli worked for 3 years in Egypt as a scuba diving instructing, then changing to the climbing industry for 2 years, he has now worked as a ski coach for the last 4 years working the north and southern seasons in Whistler BC, and Hotham Australia. Working the ski seasons, also gives him 5 months off a year which allows him to travels the world climbing.
Oli has climbed extensively throughout Great Britain, the Alps, France, Switzerland, Australia, Malaysia, America and Canada. He considers himself a ski mountaineer, using all his climbing skills, from doing 5 routes on el cap (all hamerless) to climbing ice in Scotland and Canada or even bouldering in France, gives him the skills to access any line to ski. Now skiing has totally taken over, and Oli loves the skill, endurance, suffering and most of all the feeling you get at the top and then bottom of a great line down a mountain. With ski mountaineering he now loves both ascending and descending, and moving fast. Now he cant wait to take all these skills into big mountains of Alaska.
Oli is also an advisor to www.loverock.eu online gear shop